Electricity Tariffs
Mrs Armitage (Launceston) to the Honourable Leader of Government in the Legislative Council, Dr Vanessa Goodwin -
With regards to the electricity tariffs, can the Leader please advise -
1. Will Tariff 41 be scrapped from July 1 2017?
2. Will Tariff 31 be scrapped July 1 2017?
3. Will Tariff 62 (affecting off-peak storage heaters which charge up overnight) remain unaffected by any reforms planned to electricity tariffs?
Dr Vanessa Goodwin -
1. No
2. No
3. I am advised that Aurora Energy has no intention to abolish Tariff 62 or make it obsolete to new connections from 1 July 2017. Consistent with Aurora Energy's approved Standing Offer Pricing Strategy, the price movement for all tariffs, including Tariff 62, from 1 July 2017 will reflect the underlying movement for all tariffs, including any movements in the network price charge by TasNetworks.