Select Inquiry into Road Safety in Tasmania
The Select Inquiry into Road Safety in Tasmania has now concluded and the final report has been released.
I initiated this inquiry in light of the poor road toll we had on Tasmanian roads in 2021. Unfortunately, in 2022, we have reached the highest road toll in ten years.
I hope that this report, its findings and its recommendations can guide the way to improved outcomes on Tasmanian roads. I know that the Government takes this issue seriously and I look forward to working with all concerned to implement our recommendations.
I thank my fellow Members of the Legislative Council the Hon Tania Rattray MLC and the Hon Josh Willie MLC along with erstwhile committee members the Hon Jo Palmer MLC and Dr Bastian Seidel whose contributions helped shape this report. Additionally, I thank the Committee Secretariat for their excellent work in getting the report finished.
Finally, I thank everyone who has taken the time to get in touch with my office or with the committee to express their views on road safety and pose possible solutions. Every idea has the potential to save lives.