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Workplaces (Protection from Protesters) Bill 2014 (No.15)

Mrs Armitage (Launceston) - Mr President, I too want to see industry and business protected, not just forestry. It is important that it is all industry and all business that needs to be protected and to have a safe workplace. I will support the bill. I believe it probably could have been a better bill. However, taking out the mandatory sentences and the mandatory penalties was an improvement. It still sends a very clear message to the judiciary that the Parliament treats it seriously with the penalties that could be imposed.

I hope that people, particularly people coming down from the mainland, on school holidays, as I think has been the wont at Christmas time, who think they can come down and disrupt business in Tasmania, now realise there are severe penalties. It is now up to the judiciary to show they will impose those penalties if they see fit.

The Council divided -

AYES 9 Mrs Armitage

Mr Armstrong (Teller) Mr Dean

Dr Goodwin

Mr Hall

Mrs Hiscutt

Mr Mulder

Ms Rattray

Mrs Taylor


Mr Farrell

Mr Finch (Teller)

Ms Forrest

Mr Gaffney

Mr Valentine

Bill read the third time.

The Council adjourned at 4.13 p.m.

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