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Question - Tamar Bridge - Second Bridge - Project Update

Wednesday 19 June 2024



[3.17 p.m.]

With regard to the proposed second bridge linking the West and East Tamar regions, a government response to questions without notice, which I asked in October 2022, stated:


Drilling in the Tamar at the time was to inform design and cost estimation for the road and bridge.


As it is now 18 months on:


(1)     Have design, development and business case costings been determined, and if not, when will this occur?


(2)     Has a firm location for the bridge on both sides of the river been determined?


(3)     Has a height for the proposed second bridge linking the West Tamar and East Tamar regions been determined, noting I was advised in 2022 that an air draft of 22 metres was being used for the business case.


(4)     Given the number of yachts located in the Seaport end of the Tamar River, will consideration be given to a clear opening height under the proposed bridge at a minimum of 26 metres at mean high tide? For reference, the Batman Bridge is 28.5 metres at mean high tide.


(5)     Can you confirm that the state government has engaged consultants to investigate the feasibility of some options for the bridge, including geotechnical investigations, preliminary design work and estimates, and that the preferred option has been submitted to the Australian Government for request for funding?


(6)     In October 2022, I was advised that the government was committed to full and open public consultation of a second Tamar bridge with specific consultation with the boating and commercial fishing industry to occur. Can the Leader please advise:


(a)          Has this consultation taken place?


(b)         What were the the results of the consultation, and when can a public report be expected?



(c)          If consultation is yet to take place, when can it be expected to occur?


(7)     What is the timeline for completion of the bridge?




Mr President, I have a very detailed answer.


(1)     The Department of State Growth business case for the second Tamar River crossing is complete. The business case presents five options for the proposed bridge, including concept designs and a cost-benefit analysis for each option. The department will be publishing a copy of the business case on the project website in June, as part of the upcoming stakeholder engagement that is planned for that project. The government has also submitted the full business case with the Australian Government in February in time for its federal budget considerations.


(2)     As noted above, the second Tamar River crossing business case presents five options for the proposed bridge. The preferred option for the bridge will be identified as the planning and design process progresses, and will also consider feedback that is received from key stakeholders and the broader public. Federal funding will also be a major factor in determining final details.


(3-4)  A height clearance of 22 metres from the high‑water line mark has been used in the concept design for all the options. This height is based on initial input from stakeholders. The height of the bridge will be further considered as the design process continues and as further stakeholders' engagement occurs.


(5)     Consultants have been engaged to assist with investigations, developing options, concept design work, estimates and with developing the business case.


As previously stated, the business case identifies five options but does not identify a preferred option. A copy of the business case has been provided to Infrastructure Australia. Infrastructure Australia has an assessment framework for large infrastructure projects and providing them a copy of this business case is an important part of that process. The Rockliff Liberal government has also shared a copy of the business case with the relevant Australian government minister, who is the Honourable Catherine King MP, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, and requested they positively consider this infrastructure project in their next budget.


(6)(a)          Consultation on the business case has not yet taken place. The department is preparing to commence initial targeted consultation with key stakeholders in June, including the two councils, businesses and organisations that are potentially affected by the bridge. The targeted consultation will then be followed by a broader consultation which is planned to start in August.


(6)(b)          Once consultation has been completed, the department will publish the consultation feedback report on the project website.


(6)(c)          As previously stated, consultation with key stakeholders is expected to start in June with the broader public consultation expected starting August.


(7)     Completion of this bridge is contingent on funding being provided by the Australian Government. The Tasmanian Government has committed $80 million towards the project. Once Commonwealth funding is secured for construction, the Department of State Growth will be able to develop a timeline for completion.


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