Supplementary - Interstate Board Member Costs
ASKED BY: The Hon. Rosemary Armitage MLC
ANSWERED BY: The Leader of the Government
In relation to the answers provided by the Acting Leader to my questions about costs for interstate Board members of Government Business Enterprises and state-owned Boards (specifically, Aurora Energy, Hydro Electric Commission, Tas Networks, TT-Line and Forestry Tasmania) can the Acting Leader please advise -
(1) How many meetings were attended per Board
Board Number of meetings
Forestry Tas 14 attendances at Forestry Tasmania Board meetings by interstate domiciled Board members (one of those was via teleconference)
Aurora Energy Board Of the two interstate members on the Aurora Energy Board during 2015-16, one attended 11 meetings and the other interstate member attended two meetings. In addition, interstate members attended eight committee meetings in 2015-16. 2
There was no additional travel required as the meetings were held in conjunction with the Board meetings.
Hydro-Electric Corporation Of the four of interstate members on the Board during 2015-16, one attended 16 Board meetings and 18 committee meetings; one attended 15 Board meetings and nine committee meetings; one attended seven Board meetings and four committee meetings; and one attended one Board meeting.
During the energy situation, the Chairman of the Board travelled an additional six times for meetings with Government which were included in travel expenditure previously provided. All other additional meetings attended by Chairman were by teleconference.
Tasmanian Networks Board Of the three interstate members on the TasNetworks Board during 2015-16, one attended 13 Board meetings, one attended 12 Board meetings and one interstate member attended five Board meetings. The three interstate members were also members of committees. Of the total 14 committee meetings (three committees), one 3
member attended 13 meetings, one member attended eight and another attended five meetings.
While most committee meetings were held in conjunction with Board meetings, one interstate member travelled to attend a special Audit and Compliance Committee meeting which was not aligned with a Board meeting.
TT-Line Company Board Of the three interstate members on the Board during 2015-16, two attended 11 meetings and one interstate member attended four meetings. In addition, one member attended seven committee meetings, one attended nine and one attended four committee meetings. There was no additional travel required as the meetings were held in conjunction with Board meetings.
Minister for Resources
Minister for Infrastructure
Minister for Energy