Launceston General Hospital - Employment of Registrars
Ms Armitage (Launceston) question to the Acting Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council, Mrs Hiscutt.
I have two further questions with regard to registrars employed at the Launceston General Hospital. I appreciate that the amount of $253 936.67 is to date - as of April 2017 - but it would be good to know from when to when: Is it six months? Is it two months? I would also appreciate knowing the period of time that sum refers to. I realise it is $1200 per day.
Another small question relating to the same. Was the advertising for the registrars a month late?
Answer from Mrs Hiscutt
I thank the honourable member for Launceston for her supplementary questions. To the first one, I am advised that this expenditure covers the period from 6 February 2017 to 3 April 2017.
The advertising process for registrars at the LGH occurred concurrent with that of the Royal Hobart Hospital, both opening on 1 June 2016, with the LGH campaign opening June the previous year as well. Following the commencement of the advertising process, the LGH undertook further specialised advertising whilst the advertisement remained 'live' to maximise the recruitment field.