Department of Treasury and Finance Revised Estimates Report 2014-15 - Tasmanian Health Organisation
Mrs Armitage (Launceston) to ask the Honourable the Leader of the Government - With reference to the Department of Treasury and Finance...
Department of Treasury and Finance Revised Estimates Report 2014-15 - Employee Separation Costs
Mrs Armitage (Launceston) to ask the Honourable the Leader of the Government - With reference to the Department of Treasury and Finance...
Major expense variations in Department of Treasury and Finance Revised Estimates Report 2014-15
Mrs Armitage (Launceston) to ask the Honourable the Leader of the Government - With reference to the Department of Treasury and Finance...
The allocation of Specific Purpose Payments
Mrs Armitage (Launceston) to ask the Honourable the Leader of the Government - (1) With reference to the Department of Treasury and...
Capital works funding for hospitals
Mrs Armitage (Launceston) to ask the Honourable the Leader of the Government - With reference to the Department of Treasury and Finance...
Breakdown of Tasmanian Health Organisation expenditure
Mrs Armitage (Launceston) to ask the Honourable the Leader of the Government - With reference to the Department of Treasury and Finance...
Impact of Heads of Agreement for Mersey Hospital funding
Mrs Armitage (Launceston) to ask the Honourable the Leader of the Government - With reference to the Department of Treasury and Finance...
Assaults Outside Licensed Premises - Responsibility of Licensees and Crowd Controllers
Mrs Armitage question to the Leader of Government in the Legislative Council With regard to assaults or king hits to persons occurring...
Mrs Armitage asked a question of the Leader of Government Business in the Legislative Council - (1) Does the Government have a policy of...
Mrs ARMITAGE question to the Leader of Government in the Legislative Council, Dr Goodwin Can the Leader please advise - (1) As Entally...