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Requirement for greyhounds to wear muzzles in public places

Mrs Armitage (Launceston) to the Honourable Leader of Government in the Legislative Council, Dr Vanessa Goodwin -

Minister, according to a law introduced in Australia in 1927 greyhounds must always wear a muzzle when in a public place, initially the muzzle being introduced on the race track to prevent these valuable animals from injuring themselves during the general excitement at the track and their high spirited racing.

As greyhounds are intelligent, calm loving animals that thrive on the attention of people in general and are known to be among the best natured breeds, will your government consider relaxing this requirement for companion greyhounds and exempting them from this law?

Answer from Dr Vanessa Goodwin:

The Government is in the process of developing amendments to the Dog Control Act 2000. Key proposed amendments include exempting greyhounds that have graduated from the Greyhound Adoption Program from muzzling requirements. Currently the process has been put on hold pending the outcome of the Joint Select Committee into Greyhound Racing in Tasmania. Both Houses recently agreed to an extension to the reporting date until 22 September 2016.

Once the Committee has reported, any relevant recommendations will be considered before a draft bill is finalised for further consultation. The consultation period would provide the opportunity for proposals, such as the proposal asked by the Member for Launceston, to be put to the Government.

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