Occupational Licencing (Automatic Mutual Recognition) Bill 2022 (No 27)
Thursday 27 October 2022, Second reading speech
[11.17 a.m.]
Ms ARMITAGE (Launceston) - Mr President, I understand that this bill is formalising what is already in place and putting it into the various acts, so that the Mutual Recognition Act does not have to be read alongside each act. The Leader might nod that that is how it works. It is very pleasing to see this bill and, as the Leader said, it allows mutual recognition between the trades. Unless you are a building surveyor from Tasmania wanting to work in Victoria.
Ms Rattray - Or Hobart, or Devonport.
Ms ARMITAGE - I think they can work anywhere else in the state. I am talking about a Tasmanian building surveyor being able to go to Victoria. Our standards do not meet their mutual recognition at this stage, which is unfortunate. Maybe they need to be as conciliatory and welcoming as Tasmania is to tradies from the other states.
People working under this Automatic Mutual Recognition scheme need to comply with the same laws, as we were told in the briefings. I thank the Leader for the briefings yesterday. It is good to clarify some of the areas and to make sure we have it right. Also, public and consumer protection requirements are maintained for the licensees working in Tasmania. It is very important to make sure they meet all of requirements and that their standards of work performance are maintained, and it is the same for all people working in Tasmania.
The changes ensure that those interstate licensees entering Tasmania work under the AMR scheme, and they do so on a level playing field with those licensed in the state. I believe that is important. Thank you very much for the briefings yesterday and for the bill and I certainly support it.